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Blackdog Outdoors Charity Raffle Results

Updated: Feb 28, 2023


A massive thank you to all who donated and participated in our charity raffle, all in aid of Blackdog Outdoors! We've managed to raise over £250 for the charity. Your donations will go a long way to help those suffering with mental health challenges.

The winning tickets have been randomly selected and we're pleased to announce the winners:

🤩 4th Prize - CWB Turbo Torch Bundle - Chris Malone @ Climate Change Services Ticket No. 149

🤩 3rd Prize - CK/MAGMA Toolbag - Glen Fumagall @ Fumagall Air Ticket No. 86

🤩 2nd Prize - JAVAC Pro-Charge Scales - Jodi Cousens @ Internal Environments Ticket No. 144

🤩 1st Prize - SAMSUNG Entertainment Bundle - Rob Lilly @ Climatech Ticket No. 155

Thank you again to our suppliers for their support and again to our customers for their generous donations!


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